A country you would like to visit


For me it is difficult to answer this question, because I really would like to know every country in this world, it is so comforting to live the experience of visiting another country, to be able to talk with the locals, listen to them, the history comes to life in them, to be able to soak up everything that it means to visit a new place, but if they made me choose one of my favorites places to go would be Switzerland, because there is a small town called Murren which I have always wanted to go since I was a child, since they visited this place on a television channel. It is the town closest to the Swiss Alps, the beauty of those landscapes is unbelievable , I would love to be able to live in this place, but if that is not possible, I would be happy with the fact of being able to visit the city, it would be a dream come true to be able to work in such a beautiful place, I think I'd be living in a dream I think the biggest conflict is that there are practically no cars, no motorized transport, you must arrive by train, because there are no planes or other transport that reaches this place, but outside of that it is the dream of my life to know a place like this.


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