
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021

A subject you enjoyed studying

Organic Chemistry is by far my favorite subject, I had finally found something that entertained me while I was learning and studying it. For most of my classmates this was a horror but I found the beauty in it, especially when you get to visualize de molecules and how they change.  Before coursing this subject I was really scared because everyone that had already done it talked really bad about it and it had a bad reputation within the faculty, but it was clearly different for me and I am thankful I could enjoy it and fall in love with it.  When I finished coursing Organic Chemistry 1 and 2 I didn´t want to let go of the subject so I started giving private lessons, it was strange at first because I had to make my students trust me and trust that I was giving them the best I could. I had to find the right ways for them to understand the class. I felt really proud whenever they told me they had passed the subject without any problem.

An expert / person in your field that you admire

  Well it took me a couple of minutes to think of a person that I admire and inspires me. This is my history teacher, she inspired and taught me that I can go as far as I want with my life. Her company, support and love helped me through my four years of high school to figure out how valuable, important and smart we all are.  Since the day that I met her that not all teacher are the same, her passion, and will to teach make her different form the rest, she make you be better and I think every student of hers will say the same.  I can still remember the last day of class where she approached me and said: “Javita you are going to be a great one” and gave me a ring that belonged to her, of course I started crying because I didn´t know what I had done to deserve this special person in my life. 

How can your mayor make the world a better place?

As a person, I have always wondered in what way I can contribute to humanity, I entered this career without really knowing what a food engineer does.  It is said that you will always have work if you study things related with medicine and food because people will always get sick and will  be in need of treatment, with food is also important because you have an extense variety of diseases linked to poor nutrition that affect humans.  First of all I hope to inform and help people through teaching about healthy products and how to carry on a healthy lifestyle. Secondly, I would like to create healthier and accessible products for the majority of the population, I dream of having my own brand of products where I get to use all the tools and information obtained from my career such as finding environmentally friendly packaging, researching and creating products with less harmful chemicals for the body. I am happy about the career that I chose.