A subject you enjoyed studying

Organic Chemistry is by far my favorite subject, I had finally found something that entertained me while I was learning and studying it. For most of my classmates this was a horror but I found the beauty in it, especially when you get to visualize de molecules and how they change. Before coursing this subject I was really scared because everyone that had already done it talked really bad about it and it had a bad reputation within the faculty, but it was clearly different for me and I am thankful I could enjoy it and fall in love with it. When I finished coursing Organic Chemistry 1 and 2 I didn´t want to let go of the subject so I started giving private lessons, it was strange at first because I had to make my students trust me and trust that I was giving them the best I could. I had to find the right ways for them to understand the class. I felt really proud whenever they told me they had passed the subject without any problem.