
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021

A meal or food I really like

My favorite meal is noodles with tomato sauce and  fries, I know it's super simple, but for me there's no better thing, I love the colors of the sauce, the red of the tomato, the meat coffee, the flashes of orange, green and yellow vegetables, a perfect combination, and my god the fries , they are man's best invention, the taste and that crunchy texture drive me crazy.   Well I think everyone knows how to make noodles with sauce and fries, so I'd better tell them what  I like to put my to the sauce, besides the ground meat, I like to add carrot, paprika, tomato pieces, garlic and lots of onions. Onion is one of my favorite foods in the world. I think the explanation of why I like it so much, is simply that every thing I add it tastes a thousand times better and finally with regard to my health I try to eat them on special occasions, to eat everything I want and not gain so much weight because of all the carbohydrates and sugars of the processed tomato sauce

My Favorite Piece of Technology

My favorite technological piece is my phone, it helps keeping me sane, thanks to my phone I have been able to keep in touch with the people that I love and feel them close to me. My phone is so important to me that I have named it Anastasia. What I do the most with it is being on Instagram and WhatsApp, in those applications I talk with my cousins and friends. I think it is a positive object in my life, in this moment I don’t know what I would do without it. During quarantine my phone has been something indispensable in my life because you can´t be with the people you care the most so technology has been an important contribution. Sometimes Anastasia makes me forget that I haven´t seen my favorite people in a long time.